Kamis, 16 April 2020

Cara Inject Modem EVDO px-500

Sekitar 3 mingu yang lalu saya membeli modem evdo yang telah berisi nomor inject smart seharga 225 ribu rupiah dari KASKUS. Saat itu saya ingin mengganti nomornya dengan nomor smart yang masih memiliki bonus internet. Tapi setelah browsing kesana kemari tidak menukan cara injenct modem tersebut.
Sekarang saya menemukan sebuah artikel dari
artikel selengkapnya, setelah diterjemahkan dengan http://translate.google.co.id
Mungkin suatu saat akan dicoba bila dapat HP baru Smart dengan bonus internet


In this artkel I will discuss examples of how to unlock the process MOBI CDMA with freq. Dalam artkel ini saya akan membahas contoh cara untuk membuka proses MOBI CDMA dengan Frek. 800 Mhz and replace with the SMART EVDO with freq. 800 Mhz dan mengganti dengan EVDO SMART dengan Frek. 1900 Mhz. 1900 Mhz.

1. 1. Prepare a CDMA phone , for example, we use the nokia, pair the smart card in nokia phone and turn on the device, after the flame type nam programming code follows * 3001 # 12345 #, look at the menu there nam 1 for min number, then look at the menu ESN in nam programming. Siapkan ponsel CDMA, misalnya, kami menggunakan nokia, pasangan kartu pintar di nokia ponsel dan mengaktifkan perangkat, setelah kode jenis pemrograman nam api berikut * 3001 # 12345 #, melihat menu di sana nam 1 untuk jumlah min , lalu melihat ESN menu dalam pemrograman nam.

2. 2. Write down or save it in notepad MIN number =xxxxxxxxxx, and ESN number =xxxxxxxx Tuliskan atau menyimpannya dalam nomor MIN notepad = xxxxxxxxxx, dan nomor ESN = xxxxxxxx

3. 3. Connect the USB modem cdma MOBI on your PC, look in the Device Manager Control Panel " Packet Pantech Service xxxxxxxxxx" is the port number ? Hubungkan USB modem cdma MOBI pada PC Anda, lihat di Device Manager Control Panel "Paket Layanan Pantech xxxxxxxxxx" adalah nomor port? (See figure I) (Lihat gambar I)

4. 4. Move or change positions to the COM2 port, if you have moved, remove the modem and plug it in again. Pindahkan atau mengubah posisi ke port COM2, jika Anda telah pindah, menghapus modem dan pasang kembali. (See figure II). (Lihat gambar II).

5. 5. Perform mobi modem firmware upgrade please use the file called PX-500 to PC5750 can download here . Mobi modem Lakukan upgrade firmware silakan gunakan file bernama PX-500 untuk PC5750 bisa download disini . (See figure III) (Lihat gambar III)

6. 6. Open QPST EFS Explorer menu, the modem will be detected on com 2, backup files from folder directory nvm/num, stored in a folder to your PC. Buka QPST EFS menu Explorer, modem akan terdeteksi pada com 2, file backup dari direktori folder nvm / num, disimpan dalam suatu folder ke PC Anda. (See Figure IV) (Lihat Gambar IV)

7. 7. Then go to CDMA workshop to include MIN , PRL ( PRL SMART JUMP EVDO here) and change ESN also changed the MNC. Lalu pergi ke lokakarya CDMA untuk memasukkan MIN, PRL (PRL SMART JUMP EVDO di sini) dan mengubah ESN juga mengubah MNC. (See figure V) (Lihat gambar V)

8. 8. After cdmaworkshop close and restart the modem to use software UIM akey reader-writer-calculator to find random akey code. Setelah cdmaworkshop dekat dan restart modem untuk menggunakan perangkat lunak UIM akey pembaca-penulis-kalkulator untuk menemukan kode akey acak. Click generate a-key for a code-key, then click write akey to include a-key on the modem. Klik menghasilkan kunci untuk-kunci, kode kemudian klik menulis akey untuk memasukkan kunci pada modem. (see figure VI) (Lihat gambar VI)

9. 9. After  write A-Key finish and restart the modem in, open QPST EFS Explorer menu again then copy back the files from the folder in your PC  that you saved earlier in the  folder nvm/num on the modem. Setelah menulis A-Key selesai dan restart modem, buka menu QPST EFS Explorer kembali lagi lalu copy file dari folder di PC Anda yang sebelumnya disimpan dalam folder nvm / num pada modem.
10. 10. After that restart the modem, now you've changed the modem in the new provider ( SMART EVDO REV-A ). Setelah itu restart modem, sekarang Anda telah mengubah modem di penyedia baru (SMART EVDO REV-A).

I've done Unlock Pantech cdma modem-px500 more than 20 pieces a modem, not counting the requested assistance through Yahoo Messenger. Aku sudah melakukan Unlock Pantech cdma modem-px500 lebih dari 20 buah modem, tidak termasuk bantuan diminta melalui Yahoo Messenger. With me on the way do not have to bother to go to the gallery provider. Dengan saya dalam perjalanan tidak perlu repot-repot pergi ke penyedia galeri.


Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Arab Ngojay

Arab ngojay dina batok
Teuteuleuman bareng jeun entog
Panon beureum henteu dirasa
Pajar maneh enggeus biasa
dan seterusnya.

Dalam bahasa Indonesianya kurang lebih begini
Arab berenang dalam tempurung
Menyelam bersama entog
Mata merah engga dirasa
Karena udah terbiasa
dan seterusnya.

Pertama kali lagu itu saya dengan sekitar tahun 1982, waktu masa "Perpeloncoan"  masuk Sekolah Analis Kimia ITB. Kemarin, 2 hari yang lalu Pak Undang menuliskan baris pertama lagu tersebut dalam Face book pada "apa yang anda fikirkan" sehingga timbul pertanyaan siapakah pencipta lagu tersebut? kapan pertama kali dinyanyikan? siapakah yang mempopulerkannya? apakah makna yang terkadung di dalamnya? apakah lagu tersebut sudah populer di Malaysia?
Setelah googling, didapat link Arab ngojay? artikel tersebut dibuat pada tgl 24 april 2008 membahas arti dari lagu tersebut, dan mempertanyakan siapa penciptanya?
Mudah-mudahan rekan-rekan ada yang tertarik dengan lagu tersebut, menuliskanya lebih lengkap syair dan lirik, pencipta, mengarsipkanya.
Bila suatu saat, link Arab ngojay? dihapus oleh penulisnya, copyan artikelnya sebagai berikut:

Arab Ngojay?

Kalau orang sunda, mungkin pernah mendengar cuplikan bait lagu :
Arab ngojay dina batok, teuteuleuman bareng jeung entog….dst. kalau diterjemahkan artinya kedalam bahasa Indonesia Orang Arab berenang dalam tempurung kelapa pura-pura menyelam bersama bebek…
Awalnya saya tidak “ngeh” juga mengenai lagu ini lama-lama lho kok pas ya? Siapa yang menciptakan lagu ini, saya pun tidak tahu. Ini hanya sebagian lagu-lagu permainan masa kecil. Nenek saya yang mengajarkan. Nenek saya sering cerita hal-hal yang lucu atau memakai istilah-istilah yang aneh untuk sebutan orang-orang. Seperti halnya dulu saya mau menikah dengan suami saya yang orang Padang ini, nenek saya sempat kaget karena dia sering menyebut orang Padang dengan Padang Bengkok, kenapa nenek saya memanggil orang Padang dengan Padang Bengkok, katanya orang Padang sering ingkar janji makanya dibilang Padang bengkok? Lalu suami saya gimana? Iya…suami saya bukan suka ingkar janji tapi sering lupa bahwa dia sudah janji, contohnya? rahasia, biar dia tanya sendiri sama saya!! Saya ingat kok sampai sekarang..
Pindah lagi ke Arab,  maksud lagu itu katanya mencerminkan bahwa orang Arab itu sombong bagai tong kosong nyaring bunyinya. Entah kebetulan atau tidak, seumur hidup saya dan bertemu dengan orang Arab, pertemuan itu tidak berkesan di hati, kadang-kadang attitude mereka tidak melabelkan orang islam. Saya malu lho, jadi kesannya orang islam itu seperti begitu. Apalagi mereka hidup di negara yang buta tentang islam, contohnya Jepang.
Di Sapporo tempat saya tinggal dulu, banyak orang Arab yang bersekolah disana, ada yang dari Saudi, Turki, Iran, Irak, Mesir, dlsb. Mereka selalu berkelompok dengan kelompoknya sendiri, jarang berbaur dengan kita-kita padahal sesama muslim, katanya sesama muslim adalah saudara, say assalamu’alaikum juga jarang kalau kita tidak duluan yang menegur. Tetapi kalau ada acara halal bihalal muslim Hokkaido, pasal makan mereka paling rakus dan tidak ingat orang, kalau mengambil makan alas akbar benar, sudah gitu makanan yang diambil tidak habis lagi duh sayangnya. Kalau pergi ke bazar murah, menawar barang seperti memaksa dan barangnya yang ditawar itu tidak dilepasnya lagi, jadinya orang Jepang yang jualan itu dengan terpaksa menerima tawarannya, setelah pergi orang Arab baru dia bilang, dia tidak suka kalau ada orang Arab yang beli, ngotot. Suami saya pernah nyemprot orang Arab yang memotong antrian. Orang sudah penat-penat ngantri tiba-tiba dia masuk di depan, tanpa bersalah dia mengajak temannya lagi. Ibu-ibu Jepang yang ada dibelakangnya bilang ” Sumimasen, sumimasen!” sambil menunjuk ke belakang (menyuruh dia ngantri) tidak didengarnya. Akhirnya suami saya yang melihat panas dibuatnya.
“Hey, Q please!!! Are you moslim or not?”. Kebetulan suami saya sering ketemu dia juga di Mesjid kalau sholat Jum’at. Akhirnya dengan tertawa-tawa dia pergi ke belakang untuk mengantri. Kurang ajar benar itu orang, minta maaf pun tidak malah hahahehe.
Sekarang di Malaysia sudah dibanjiri orang Arab pula, ramai juga yang belajar di UTM. Bahkan ada satu dari Iran yang menjadi student suami saya. Sekarang dia bermasalah dengan salah seorang staff di tempat suami saya, gara-gara dia minta di run kan sample nya dengan cepat, padahal banyak sample yang lebih dulu dari dia yang harus di run. Sudah memaksa lalu dia bicara lagi bahwa dia berasal dari keluarga terpelajar di Iran dan bla..bla…Ya Staff itu marah lah, untuk apa dia bicara begitu, dia hanya minta tolong saja kok…Sampai sekarang staff itu tidak mau me run kan sample nya sebelum dia minta maaf. Student Iran itu tidak merasa bersalah lagi. Sekarang tidak tahu bagaimana jadinya.
Saya berpikir, banyak kejadian-kejadian mengerikan yang dialami para TKW kita di Arab, ada yang disiksa, diperkosa, tidak dibayar gaji dlsb. Kok orang islam seperti itu, patutlah kenapa agama, baik kristen atau islam dilahirkan di tanah Arab, mungkin  karena tingkah laku orang-orangnya seperti itu. Saya memang tidak boleh menyamaratakan semua orang Arab, ada yang baik dan berakhlak mulia juga, para nabi dan rosul serta sahabat-sahabatnya? Atau orang yang anda kenal mungkin. Tapi itulah sampai saat ini saya bertemu dengan orang Arab seperti itu.
Kalau masalah TKW memang bukan di Arab saja, di negara-negara lain pun banyak kejadian mengerikan, di Malaysia juga, tetapi yang saya bahas memang keberadaan orang Arab ini yang mencerminkan orang islam tulen gitu lho. Gejolak perang saudara terjadi dimana?  Padahal islam itu sangat cinta damai, itu salah satu contoh bahwa kesombongan dan tamak seperti sebutan yang menempel buat orang islam. ‘Audzubillahimindalik….. Jangan sampai ini terjadi pada kita, cukup kita jadikan pelajaran buat kita, supaya kita tidak termasuk golongan orang-orang seperti itu. Duh orang Arab jangan ngojay di tempurung aja atuh kalau benar-benar pandai berenang, berenanglah di kolam atau di laut sekali. Kalau benar-benar mengaku islam bersikaplah seperti seorang muslim. Mudah-mudahan saja.

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Back Office

Welcome to VemmaBuilder™'s Back Office!
This is the Control Panel of your Business Operations.  Only NASA's astronauts have a more sophisticated, state-of-the-art System.  That's only natural, because our System is designed to skyrocket your business into profit orbit.
Look at the menu options in the blue bar running along the top of the page.  Each one transports you to a different operations center.  The functions of each are described below.
Genealogy -- Want to see all of the people below you in your SuccessLine™(s)?  Then click on Genealogy.  A name written in blue is someone you personally introduced to VemmaBuilder™.  A name in black or gray is someone who was introduced to the business by your upline or downline.
Tax Advisor -- Space may be the final frontier, but a home-based business is the final great tax shelter.  Learn how you can save big on taxes by clicking on Tax Advisor, where a treasure chest of tax tips awaits you.  Written by nationally recognized tax expert, Mary Sprouse, the Tax Advisor makes sure you receive all of the tax-sheltering benefits of your VemmaBuilder™ business.
Contact Manager -- Click on Contact Manager to see contact information about the persons you have personally introduced to VemmaBuilder™.  Come here also to change the information your Pre-Enrollees and Members see in the emails we send them.  Simply click on "Update Personal Information."
Account Info -- Need to change the personal data and billing information you want VemmaBuilder™ to have when it communicates with you?  Then head over to Account Info. In the middle of the page, you can change how Pre-Enrollees are allocated to your SuccessLine™s.
Top Leaders -- Thomas Edison said, "Genius is 1% Inspiration and 99% perspiration."  To see who is perspiring and inspiring the most, go to our Top Leaders page.  This real-time list of VemmaBuilder™'s prime movers and shakers should help motivate you to similar heights!
Training -- Looking for guidance?  Our Training Page highlights simple steps to success.  Follow these helpful hints to turbocharge your business.
Help -- Confused or curious about some aspect of VemmaBuilder™?  No problem.  Click on Help for answers to Frequently Asked Questions.  Need to get in touch with your personal Enroller?  Click on the "Who Are My Enrollers" button at the top left to see the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of up to 5 of your upline Enrollers.  They are eager to coach you to success, so call or email them.
Search -- In a hurry to find someone in your Contact Manager?  Then hustle to Search, and enter all or part of your Contact's name or email address.  Your Contact's name and info will miraculously appear.
Front Office -- Return to the Front Office by clicking on this tab above.  There you will find information about Our System, the Vemma™ dual compensation plan, the Vemma™ Nutrition Program, and Vemma™ itself.


"I just filled out my income tax forms. Who says you can't get killed by a blank?" - Milton Berle
If you've been trying to dodge tax bullets, VemmaBuilder™ is eager to come to your rescue.  The way to tax-proof your Form 1040 is simple and perfectly legal.  Just upgrade to Member and actively begin building your VemmaBuilder™ business.  The minute you do, you'll be the proud possessor of the ultimate tax shelter -- a home-based business.  And that will let you can tap into a bonanza of tax write-offs.
Forget all those exotic tax schemes you've read about, but couldn't afford!  Most of those are designed to create a tax loss by losing money for someone rich enough to throw their money away.  Pretty loony, if you think about it.

"There may be liberty and justice for all, but there are tax breaks only for some." -- Martin A. Sullivan
You can be among the lucky few that the tax law favors.  Join VemmaBuilder™, and you will discover what so many entrepreneurs already know.  A home-based business is all the tax shelter you'll ever need.
The tax law will reward you for trying to make money.  It doesn't matter whether you are General Motors or a lone individual working out of a home office.  When you are in business for yourself, the government lavishes you with tax breaks.

"The first 9 pages of the Internal Revenue Code define income; the remaining 1,100 pages spin the web of exceptions and preferences." -- Warren G. Magnuson
AS a VemmaBuilder™ Member, a lot of the tax code's exceptions and preferences will be yours to profitably enjoy.  So long as you are actively building your VemmaBuilder™ business, you can convert many of your previously nondeductible personal expenses into deductible business expenses.  Almost anything you spend money on, once you are self-employed, can be tax-deductible, if you plan carefully and keep detailed records.
What tax treats does a home-based business legally offer?  How about the chance to write off trips to resort destinations, such as Las Vegas, Scottsdale, even Australia, so long as your main reason for traveling is business?  Or having Uncle Sam pick up part of the tab for trying to boost your sales by wining and dining customers, business associates, or prospective customers and associates?

"It's not what you make, it's what you keep." - Anonymous
As a VemmaBuilder™ Member, you can keep a lot more of your hard-earned income.  Take that weekly allowance you give your child.  Not a bit deductible.  But pay your child a reasonable salary for genuine work required in your home-based business, and you've got a write-off any parent could love.
There's more!  Think about all those home expenses you will get no tax benefit from - unless you start working out of an office in your home.  Your VemmaBuilder™ business lets you deduct a portion of such otherwise nondeductible expenses, such as your rent, home insurance, utilities, cleaning service, home repairs, and homeowner association dues.  That's in addition to the mortgage interest and property taxes you can already claim if you itemize your deductions.

"You must pay taxes. But there's no law that says you gotta leave a tip." - Morgan Stanley (Advertisement)
Stop tipping Uncle Sam.  Sign up as a Member of VemmaBuilder™, and you can turn the high, high cost of gas, car repairs, car insurance, lease payments, and other auto expenses into gigantic tax savings.  As an employee, all those minutes you spend idling in traffic jams on the way to a job won't earn you a dime in tax savings.  But, you can change all that if you start working out of your home and make business stops on the way to the office.  Upgrade to Member, and learn the scoop on how to convert your car into valuable tax savings on our exclusive Member's Only Tax Advisor page.

"Today is the first day of the rest of your taxable year." - Jeffery L. Yablon
What you do today could impact your taxes for the entire year and many years to come.  Become a VemmaBuilder™ Member, and change your tax life for the better right away.  When you become a Member, you get 24/7 access to the best tax advice for home-based business owners on the Web.  Use the Member's Tax Advisor page as your own personal tax professional.  This page is exclusively for VemmaBuilder™ Members, and it will be your source of complete and accurate advice on the tax ins and outs of operating a business.


About Us

VEMMA™, A Ground Floor Opportunity
Backed By a Global Health and Wellness Leader
Vemma™ is a brand new, ground-floor opportunity from the creators of New Vision®, a 10-year old international leader in health and wellness, with over $1 billion in total retail sales.  Vemma™ is your opportunity to create a life of wealth and happiness with the security of a successful industry powerhouse behind you.  Vemma™ is the end result of investing lessons learned over the past 10 years into the perfect opportunity for the next 10 years and beyond.
Vemma™ is a rare chance to participate in ground floor excitement with the strength, stability, performance record, and leadership of a global leader in the wellness industry that has paid out commissions of almost $400 million to Team Members just like you in the past 10 years.
Vemma™ founder, President and CEO BK Boreyko was introduced to the networking industry as a child and went on to build, along with his family, a successful distributorship earning up to $350,000 per month.
In 1995, he co-founded the company with his family and led that company to become a market leader and industry innovator.  BK Boreyko takes pride in creating a company that has never been late in sending a commission check in its 10-year history.  He is equally proud of his company's uncompromising product quality.
BK Boreyko is a man with a mission!  Vemma™ continues the Boreyko family's core mission to "enrich the quality of families' lives," a commitment that has allowed the Boreykos and their company to donate more than $2.5 million to help those less fortunate.
With BK at the helm, Vemma™ is poised for similar skyrocketing success.  And you are coming in on the ground floor with the best opportunity to get your share of the commissions that will be paid out.
Thanks to the backing of New Vision®, Vemma™ is a strong business opportunity with an unlimited future.  Unlike most ground floor opportunities that are starting up from zero, Vemma™ is able to launch with U.S.  facilities, including a Home Office and technology center in north Scottsdale, a 25,000 square foot warehouse and fulfillment center, and a 10,000 square foot manufacturing plant in Tempe, Arizona.
Vemma™ is the Right Company
As BK Boreyko developed the Vemma™ business opportunity, he examined the key reasons why people fail in network marketing.  Some people go through life thinking experience is the best teacher, but it's not.  Other people's experience is the best teacher.  It's important to pay attention and learn from other's mistakes.  Common obstacles to success include limited time, limited resources, limited contacts, limited experience, limited skills, and a highly competitive marketplace.
As you will learn when you're familiar with the Vemma™ success system, the company has addressed and overcome all of these common reasons for failure.  Vemma™ has created an opportunity that taps into the power of emerging trends and provides powerful, duplicatable business systems.
Vemma™ offers a fresh new approach for success in network marketing - one that overcomes many of the obstacles that have doomed so many to failure in the past.  Vemma™ puts the power of the finest systems and products to work for you.


our product.

Vemma blends the most recent science and nature's finest to form a complete and delicious once-a-day liquid supplement that provides you with everything you need and more to kick your health and energy levels into overdrive.
Developed by a physician with a background in both Eastern and Western medicine, Vemma unites the antioxidant-rich power of mangosteen - a fruit used for centuries by Asian health practitioners for its nutritional benefits - with rich plant-source minerals, organic glyconutrient-rich aloe vera and decaffeinated organic green tea along with a full spectrum of antioxidant vitamins to create the most powerful liquid antioxidant nutrition program anywhere!
The Vemma Nutrition Program™ consists of Essential Minerals® and Mangosteen Pllus™.  We believe so strongly in this combination that we offer a 100% money-back, risk-free, empty-bottle guarantee.  While there are many juice products on the market to choose from today, most offer very little in terms of critical vitamins and minerals.  So why take a juice product and a vitamin/mineral supplement? With Vemma, you get it all!
Remember...if it doesn't say Vemma, it's just juice.

View products for

Vemma Nutrition Program 1/2 Pack
  • 1 bottle of Vemma, 32 oz Premixed - a 15-day supply for 1 person.

  • This package qualifies you to earn the Sponsor Bonus, Fast Start Bonus, and the Customer Bonus!
    $55.00 USD

    Vemma Nutrition Program
  • 2 bottles of Vemma, 32 oz Premixed - a 30-day supply for 1 person.

  • This package qualifies you to earn the Sponsor Bonus, Fast Start Bonus, and the Customer Bonus!
    $105.00 USD

    Asia Basic Builder Package
  • 4 Vemma Premix packs - a 30-day supply for 4 people.

  • This package qualifies you to earn the Sponsor Bonus, Fast Start Bonus, Customer Bonus, Team Building Bonus, Consistency Bonus, Matching Bonuses, Global Bonus Pools, One Time Rank Advancement Rewards, and allows you the opportunity to earn up to $156,000 per year ($3,000 per week) in Cycle Bonuses! Your Autoship order will be for a two pack, 32 oz Vemma Premix.
    $420.00 USD

    Asia Silver Builder Pack
  • 6 Vemma Premix packs - a 30-day supply for 6 people.

  • Automatic qualification to the rank of Silver Leader.

  • This package qualifies you to earn the Sponsor Bonus, Fast Start Bonus, Customer Bonus, Team Building Bonus, Consistency Bonus, Matching Bonuses, Global Bonus Pools, One Time Rank Advancement Rewards, and allows you the opportunity to earn up to $520,000 per year ($10,000 per week) in Cycle Bonuses! Your Autoship order will be for a two pack, 32 oz Vemma Premix.
    $630.00 USD

    Asia Ultimate Builder Pack
  • 12 Vemma packs - a 30-day supply for 12 people.

  • Automatic qualification to the rank of Gold Leader.

  • This package allows you the opportunity to earn up to $1,300,000 per year ($25,000 per week) in Cycle Earnings and unlimited earnings in the other areas of income with the Vemma Dual Line Compensation Plan. A two pack, 32 oz Autoship order will be established for 30 days from your initial order.
    $1260.00 USD